Two Player Sound
I'm making a two-player race game, and I want both players to hear sounds. But you can't have two Audio Listeners at the same time. What should I do?
View ArticleAudioClip[] bug
function EngineSound() { audio.pitch = RRwheel.rpm/TopRPM + 0.5; for(var i = 0;i < Sounds.Length; i++) { audio.clip = Sounds[i]; i = Gear; } } i tried to make realistic car sounds by changing the...
View ArticleArray doesn't increase or add element
I'm making a racing simulator and I made this script for a replay system. But when i tried it it didn't add any elements, they just stayed at 3. this is how it looked : ![alt text][1] #pragma strict...
View ArticleBest way to detect sword hit
Hi! I've been working on a fp/tp action rpg for a while now. The problem is the melee combat, the weapon is not working correctly, I'm having issues with Timing and Hit detection. what is the best way...
View ArticleTerrain collider is inversed!
Hi! my terrain has recently gone crazy. My player, which is the standard default fps controller, collides with the wrong side of the terrain. any suggestions?
View ArticleDLL not found
I get this error : DllNotFoundException: Assets/Editor/UnityForceFeedback.dll ForceFeedbackTest.Update () (at Assets/FFB/ForceFeedbackTest.cs:53) when i try to add forcefeedback to my racing game. I'm...
View ArticleMask water for underwater effects
I'm writing an ocean shader using gerstner vertex displacement and now I want to add an underwater effect for every pixel that is under the water surface. The only solution that I can think of is...
View ArticleUnity crashes sporadically when threading
Hi! I've been working on a procedural planet generator. Needless to say, it requires threading to run smoothly. It works well for about 5 minutes, but after a while Unity eats up about 7 GB of RAM and...
View ArticleHDPR Sample Skybox
I've been experimenting with shader writing in the HDR pipeline. I've implemented a custom sky following the guidelines found at...
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